GREENSHIP Rating Tools Interior Space
GREENSHIP Interior Space is a building certification system intended for interior that aims to provide proper comfort, health, and productivity for building occupant. The target of GREENSHIP Interior Space for building user who is generally a business entity in the form of a tenant company management and uses part or all of the space in the building followed by a fit out activity process that functions to accommodate the company's activities. The scope of the GREENSHIP Interior Space assessment is not only based on fit out activities alone, but also facilitate management policies for site and building selections as well as management system and procedure carried out by building management or related parties after the occupant activity and building operated.
The GREENSHIP Interior Space assessment system consists of Eligibility provisions and 6 (Six) assessment categories:
1. Appropriate Site Development (ASD)
2. Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC)
3. Water Conservation (WAC)
4. Material Resources and Cycle (MRC)
5. Indoor Health and Comfort (IHC)
6. Building and Environmental Management (BEM)
Each category consists of several criteria containing Prerequisite, Credit Point, and Bonus Point. The GREENSHIP Interior Space certification system has a maximum of 93 points.
Eligibility GREENSHIP Interior Space (IS)
Before starting the certification process, the Project must fulfilled the eligibility, including:
1. The project has a fit out activity.
2. Management uses an area in one building with a minimum area of 25 m2.
3. All areas used by management in one building must be included in the certification process.
4. Minimum one employee who works full time for 1 (One) year.
5. Management has a minimum three-years of lease or area usage period in the same function from the time of obtaining a GREENSHIP certification.
6. The management handed over a copy of the Land Allocation Permit for the building used, to GBC Indonesia.
7. The management submits a copy of the Certificate of Function Acceptability (SLF) or the Building Use Permit used to the GBC Indonesia.