April 13, 2023 - The KB-TK Pahoa building has proudly achieved the prestigious Net Zero Healthy Ready certification. By meeting the stringent criteria for an environmentally friendly building, KB-TK Pahoa aims to educate its students, the future generation, on the importance of environmental conservation from an early age.

The school earned Eligible points for Health & Comfort and Energy Efficiency and has also received the Ready title for Carbon Balance. This milestone represents a significant step forward for GBC Indonesia, KB-TK Pahoa, and the country as a whole. It sets a benchmark for future developments, highlighting Indonesia's commitment to sustainable building practices.

The collaboration between GBC Indonesia and KB-TK Pahoa showcases the potential for educational institutions to lead by example in adopting sustainable practices. The certification process involved diligent assessments and demonstrated the building's capability to balance energy efficiency with health and comfort standards.

Looking ahead, both GBC Indonesia and KB-TK Pahoa are optimistic about the future. They envision a growing number of Net Zero certified buildings across Indonesia, setting new standards in sustainability and environmental responsibility. The hope is that this achievement will inspire many more buildings to follow suit, contributing to Indonesia's goal of a sustainable and Net Zero future by 2050.

This landmark accomplishment is not just a win for KB-TK Pahoa, but for the broader movement towards sustainable development in Indonesia. It signals a growing recognition of the importance of green building practices and sets the stage for a wave of environmentally conscious projects in the near future.

Categories: News, Net Zero