Net Zero Healthy MasterClass is an exclusive series of online workshop about net zero healthy building, held 2 sessions each week with a total of 8 sessions with the following titles:

1.      Integrated Strategy of Site Planning for Net Zero Healthy Building

2.      Passive Designs Strategy for Naturally Ventilated Space in Net Zero Healthy Building

3.      Passive Designs Strategy for Air-Conditioned Space in Net Zero Healthy Building

4.      Systems and Controls for HVAC in Net Zero Healthy Building

5.      Aspects and Criteria for Comfortable and Healthy Building

6.      Design Strategies for Daylighting Enhancement and Artificial Lighting for Net Zero Healthy Building

7.      Implementation Strategy for Renewable Energy and Other Carbon Emission Reduction

8.      GREENSHIP NetZero Certification Qualification and Process

From the titles above we can see that the material presented is complete, starting from the site, design, to how to certify the net zero building. Presented by speakers who are experts in their fields. The first two sessions are held at TK Pahoa Serpong, a school that represent a healthy and low energy building. Participants who register get access to attend workshop materials and the opportunity to ask questions in the Q&A session, workshop recordings, and presentation from speakers, and certificates.

Categories: Online Workshop, Event, Net Zero